FAIR in ML, AI Readiness, & Reproducibility (FARR) Workshop

The FAIR in ML, AI Readiness, & Reproducibility Research Coordination Network (FARR RCN) computer scientists, geoscientists, research data practitioners, geosciences data and tool repositories / providers, and computing infrastructure providers and research tool builders to participate in FARR's in-person workshop on October 9-10, 2024 at the AGU Conference Center in Washington DC. Communities outside of geosciences with similar challenges, as well as industry, government, and non-profits with a stake in these topics are also encouraged to attend.
Who should attend?
Are you interested in learning about or working towards AI readiness?
Do you want to share AI models, or use others' models?
Are you concerned about reproducibility of work that uses AI models?
Do you have experiences in these areas that you think others would benefit from?
If you are interested in those questions, this workshop will be a good opportunity to connect with others.
The "FARR Workshop” aims to make advancement in the areas of AI Readiness, AI Reproducibility, and the intersection of the FAIR Principles and ML through
Spurring new or deepened collaborations
Sharing best practices and lessons learned
Exploring research gaps and priorities
Call For Posters - Abstracts are due by September 18, 2024
The FARR RCN seeks posters focused on AI Readiness, AI Reproducibility and FAIR Principles & ML, especially in the geosciences, including but not limited to topics such as:
Foundation models (FM), especially as they relate to building FMs, methods for benchmarking, maintaining, extending, data formats, and related considerations
Data-centric AI, especially as it relates to research priorities and signals for data repositories and resource providers
Using ML and Knowledge Engineering to add context or structure to data
Applying the FAIR principles to data, workflows, and models for AI/ML, and techniques for automation and validation
What AI Readiness means for geoscience repositories and related providers: challenges, success stories, and lessons learned
Community approaches to AI reproducibility
AI reproducibility and refactoring for LLMs and Gen-AI
Attendance at the meeting will be in-person only. There is no registration fee for this meeting. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. Travel support will be made available for a limited number of early career researchers.
Posters should be no larger than 45 inches x 45 inches (114 cm x 114 cm).
Accommodations: reservations due by September 18, 2024, while supplies last
SOLD OUT Generator Washington DC - $179/night+tax, 5 min walk, Group booking
SOLD OUT Normandy Hotel - $199/night +tax, 8 min walk, Group booking
Churchhill Hotel - $215/night +tax, 5 min walk, Group booking
There is no registration fee, but participants should register by September 18, 2024 to allow for planning logistics such as space, food and name badges. Register HERE
We adhere to the Community Participation Guidelines of our partner, GO FAIR US
AGU Conference Center
2000 Florida Ave. NW, Washington, D.C. 20009
Directions to the AGU Conference Center
Closest Metro station: Dupont Circle